Sunday 8 May 2011

"Until death do us apart"

I started this life long crochet project in 2006, just after I have taken my bachelor exam in Bergen, Norway. I call it "until death do us apart" and I am using sewing tread (very thin) and crochet. I started it because at that time I had just survived after loosing someone very close, just by working with my hands, head and my art. Life was very strange and scary and I could relax a bit by working on something that takes time and are beautiful to look at very close, but will grove huge by time. Like a relationship with some other person for example.
The idea is that you get deep involved in someone or something that can suddenly one day just disappear, get destroyed and die away from you, just like that. And nothing is left but silence and questions. With no sorry or explanation.
This piece is gonna follow me and I will make it bigger and bigger, carefully build it up with the thin wire and small needle, something that seems so fragile and strong in the same time.

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